Sunday, August 28, 2011

100 - 100!

Purple Gel Pen on Sketchbook Paper

Well, I did it!  Day 100!  Woo hoo! I'm so damn proud of myself!  Kind of sad that it's over though.  I put $$$'s all over it because I'm calling money to me!  Money, come to me! :)

This has been a lot of fun.  Hopefully next year I'll be able to participate in the discussion part a bit more.  I'll miss you all!  Take care. :)

099 - O Irene!

Brush Pen on Sketchbook Paper

I spent most of the day preparing for Hurrican Disappointment, I mean Irene.  She stood me up like it was prom night!  All that work getting ready and then she breezed by to the west as a tropical storm.

Regardless, I was up until 3 am racing the power outage that never came doing my guest strip for Commissioned Comic.  By the time I did this doodle, my head was filled with images of Obsidian's artwork, hence O taking up so much of this page.  I realized in my tiredness that he and Shrek have many similar features. :)

098 - Feng Shui

Brush Pen on Sketchbook Paper

My Mom and I went to Four Seasons looking for Feng Shui crystals.  They are spherical tear drop shaped balls that you hang to help balance the chi in a room.  They also look really pretty when the sun shines through them. :)  I also got Bagua mirror which you hang outside your door to protect you from negative energy.

Another great Feng Shui decoration that I would love to have is a pair of stone Foo Dogs outside my door!  In talking to the owner of Four Seasons, I learned that Foo Dogs are created in pairs, a male and female.  The male rests his paw on an egg that represents the world, and the female rests hers on a cup or a pup, representing family.  

Later that evening I was looking at Foo Dog statues on Ebay and was struck by how many were being sold individually.  It was sad to think of these guardian couples being split up by ignorant sellers, or perhaps by dealers before.   The lyrics from Three Dog Night's One kept running through my head as I did this doodle.

097 - Trust In Yourself

BrushPen on Sketchbook Paper

I was doing some Feng Shui and Chinese Zodiac research.  When it comes to Feng Shui, for each zodiac animal, there are two allies and a secret friend.  I am a snake, my allies are the Rooster and the Ox, and my secret friend is the Monkey.  Unfortunately, I thought the Pig was my ally when I drew this.  It's actually the sign against me! I suppose it's appropriate then that he's part of the question mark.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

096 - Cintiq Sketch #2

Photoshop Digital sketch

Hmm.  I accidentally saved over the high res version of this sketch, so what you see is all that exists.  I don't like that.  I think I may go back to paper to avoid accidents like that in the future.   So sad.  Oh well, as it says in the image, I overworked it anyway.  That is one of the dangers or working digitally.  Lyrics from Sweet Child of Mine, but sung by Sheryl Crow, no Axel Rose.

095 - Cintiq Sketch

Photoshop Digital Sketch

Since I filled up the book I originally bought for this project, I've been doing my doodles in whatever other sketchbook is handy.  I got the idea the other night that I should just do my doodle on the Cintiq I paid so much money for!  I couldn't afford the big one like we have at school, so I need to get myself used to working on the smaller one anyway.  So, here's Cintiq doodle #1, complete with lyrics from Sunshine Superman by Donovan.  I used Photoshop CS2 and the Airbrush Pen Opacity Flow.  I had the page fit to screen, which meant I was working on about 5x7 inches.

094 - Don't Ask

Brush Pen on Sketchbook Paper

I was too lazy to go downstairs and grab a big sketchbook, so tonight's doodle was in my 5x7" book.  I have no clue where any of this comes from, I was super over tired when I drew it.