Sunday, June 5, 2011

016 - Last Day in Savannah

Blue Papermate on Sketchbook Paper

Today's been a tough day.  It's my last day in Savannah, unexpectedly.  I didn't think I'd be leaving until Thursday, but now I'm leaving tomorrow.  I feel like I haven't had enough time to appreciate everything, including my kitties.  They'll be staying with Martin for the summer, then moving with me to Atlanta in the fall.

It's hard to move on, even when you know it's the right choice.


  1. I am really enjoying your work. You have such a great style and I love how each of your pieces incorporates symbolism and is pertinent to your life. I was reading that you just finished finals-hope those went well!

  2. Thank you so much! I'm really learning a lot about myself through these doodles. I'm glad the folks are enjoying them too. :)

    As for finals, well, I did well enough to pull B's out of both my classes, but I know I could have done better if I'd put more time into them. Thanks for asking. :)
